5: My future job.

what I should highlight the most about the job of my dreams, it has almost little relevance with the career I am studying, at this moment in my life what I want most is money, now and to be at peace, money is so necessary to learn things that are not monetarily valued, or learn a new skill, whether physical or sports, in which, at least in Chile, they are developed only in a particular way, however, it is at this precise moment in my life that I am overwhelmed by many things to do, study and do my thesis while doing this field, I would like perhaps to have better sports qualities, although the truth is that if I am in it and every week I put in the effort to get ahead and advance in this way in parallel with the art of bodybuilding, it attracts me, in fact my dream one of them is to be bodybuilders, these people who give a lot of their time to be able to develop a body that has high standards of demand, definition for a natural person of low resources it is impossible to maintain these high standards but as he advanced in his career he was able to discover skills to be able to make money independently in chemistry and pharmacy, and in this way start me in the world of bodybuilding, being the fifth year I go to the gym regularly.

to be really honest, I'm in an existential crisis where I don't know what will really happen to me, I just got out of a depression and I'm giving everything to be able to sustain the person I am today, but my dreams will never disappear even if the system somehow feels who conspires against me (I must have heard myself as a paranoid person, hahaha).



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