Post 1: A country I would like to visit.

For me, traveling would be one of the things I would do after graduating, I find that traveling is a way to renew energy, it is also a fun way to learn about other cultures and people, a country where I would like to travel is Japan, I am interested Its history a lot, more than its history, impresses me with its art that advances more and more in the matter of making comics, in addition to its vast food and cultural development.

Japan is an archipelago whose main island is Honshu, the largest island. One of the Japanese monuments are the different temples that are located in different geographical areas. One of the temples that I would most like to visit is the Senso-ji temple. This temple represents a spiritual renewal.

another place that I would love to visit is shirakawa-go, which is a place, rather it is one of these towns where people live in which it has the characteristic of preserving many buildings that are up to two centuries old, walking around here is like traveling At the time of Edo (which is an ancient Japanese era), the most beautiful thing about this town are the roofs as we can see on the roof which shows a beautiful architecture

More than its ancient history, what I would like most in Japan is to visit everything that has to do with anime and its art, since they are one of the things that I like the most in this life, it is the audiovisual animation and like this type of art has a deep connection with the inhabitants of this beautiful archipelago


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