4.-My childhood series

When I was a child, most of the children's time was spent watching TV, born in the lowest towns in the country and marginalized.

they instilled in us the art of watching television, and not just any art, that of watching television with siblings and sharing a large number of hours to watch varied programs such as barbie to programs such as the knights of the zodiac.

Since before waking up one of the ways of getting up early was just watching television, which are currently behaviors acquired in my adulthood, I could notice from school days all the neighbors have Telecable so that in the population you could see different types of premium channels like digimon which was broadcasting on yeti a channel that is no more had the best shows to watch.

One of the channels I watched was the Discovery Channel, this channel was one of my favorites at the age of about 11, since I watched animal documentaries and the ones that had the most impact on my adulthood, such as documentaries about the end of the world, and of the world economy, like the centralization of currencies, well by far my favorite program was zaboomafo

Also older, at 12 years old, I enter the world of the Disney Channel, shows like Zac and Cody, Malcon in the Middle and similar shows take care of acting attitudes like talking to nothing, since I like life to have a little bit of comedy since drama bores me a lot, of course sometimes I like it.

also the last point to highlight is that I love watching anime to this day I really like alternate realities, design, colors, art and everything in general regarding anime, since I was a child my favorite animes were always Pokémon and x that to this day I still like it, I love hunter hunter x and to this day I'm still seriously thinking about how to decorate my room with these themes of hunter x (the anime)


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